1. This show is about people making the commitment to themselves to lead healthier lives. They are not losing weight by trying every fad diet out there. They are doing it through good old fashion exercise and healthy eating which has been proven to be the most effective way to achieve long term weight loss and weight management.
2. In the beginning, the contestants are in such a dire position that some may think they are beyond help. Yet, time and time again they prove that with the right attitude, hard work, and self-discipline anything is possible. Many start out on numerous medications for high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc and are able to ween off of these medications by adopting a healthy lifestyle further proving what a substantial and detrimental effect that excess weight has on our health.
3. This show is a dose of weekly motivation. As you see the amazing transformations I encourage you to imagine your own transformation. The sky is the limit. Napoleon Hill said "Whatever the mind of man (or woman ;) ) can conceive and believe, it can achieve." Last season's winners (Olivia and Hannah) started out at 261 pounds and 248 pounds and shrunk themselves to 132 pounds and 128 pounds respectively. If they can do it, why can't you?
Read more about Olivia and Hannah at:
Now, I do not recommend sitting in front of the TV with a spoon and a carton of cookies 'n cream to watch the biggest loser, but you can do a routine of floor exercises or run or walk on a treadmill while you watch! Let this show motivate you right into some weight loss of your own.
Don't miss the season premier Sept 20th at 7pm central on NBC!
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