Sunday, April 1, 2012

3 Amazing Cancer Fighting Foods

         I was watching Dr. Oz recently when he was speaking about 3 cancer fighting foods that can be found right in your local grocery store. They are all cheap, readily available, and life saving!

1. Lima Beans. Lima beans have a component in them that cuts off the blood supply to potentially deadly cancer cells, especially breast cancer cells. One study found that 1 cup of lima beans a day decreases breast cancer risk by 24%!

2. Limes. Limes have been found to stop cancer growth in it's tracks, especially squamous cell cancer of the lungs. Just 1/2 cup lime juice a day does the trick. The best part is how versatile lime juice is! You can make limeade by combining 1/2 cup lime juice with 16 oz of cold water and drink (you may want to add honey to sweeten)! You can also add it to tea in the place of lemon or squeeze it on veggies in the place of salt (lime juice has been known to make things taste salty without the use of salt).

3. Apricots. Apricots have a component in them that stops cancer cells from growing in the stomach. Eating 7 apricots a day has been shown to decrease the risk of stomach cancer by 47%! The best part is that this benefit is true for both fresh and dried apricots (BTW, it is much easier eat 7 DRIED apricots in a day than 7 fresh apricots). If you are going to eat dried apricots go for the sun dried version vs. the sulfate dried version (sun dried apricots are much darker than sulfate dried apricots). If possible it is also best to get organic apricots because they have higher levels of these cancer fighters.

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