Sunday, June 3, 2012

5 Strategies To Resist Cravings

     I am quite sure that anyone who has ever tried to adopt a healthier eating habits has also experienced those dreaded cravings. They are real, they are intense, and for many people they will be the reason for failure. Since beginning my lifestyle renovation 2 years ago I have survived my fair share of them. Here are a few tricks that may help you the next time you think you NEED those potato chips.

1. Wait 15 minutes. Tell yourself that you can have whatever it is that you are craving IF in 15 minutes you still want it. Then go do something, anything, to get your mind off of your craving. I use this one a lot. It works for 2 reasons. First, you are not being denied. You are telling yourself you can have it, you just have to wait 15 minutes. Second, 90% of the time (for me at least) in that 15 minutes I would forget about what it was that I wanted and would get involved in what I was doing only to look at the clock and see that a half an hour had passed and my craving was gone. Part of why cravings are so detrimental to a lifestyle change is that they are fueled by instant gratification. It feels like you NEED that food RIGHT NOW. If you can remove yourself long enough, not only will the desire for the junk food fade, but your sanity will return so that you can think clearly enough to make the healthier choice. If after the 15 minutes you still feel like you need to eat that food, then go for it. It is unrealistic, especially in the beginning of a lifestyle change, to think that you will never have another junk food item again. The idea is moderation.

2. Eat a fruit or vegetable first. If you have difficulty resisting junk food snacks I suggest eating a fruit or veggie before eating any junk food (again, you are not telling yourself no, you are telling yourself that you just have to eat a healthy food first). This not only will help you get in your required fruit and vegetable requirements but in most cases the fruit or vegetable will fill you up enough that you won't need the junk food or, if you do still eat the junk food, chances are that you will not eat as much of it. I have also found that the more fruit and vegetables I eat, the more I crave them. So, doing this will also foster an appreciation for better foods.

3. Eat every 2 to 3 hours. Eating something every 2 to 3 hours not only keeps your metabolism running but it also keeps you from feeling deprived. If you finish a meal or snack feeling unsatisfied it may help to remind yourself that you get to eat again in 2 hours. No more waiting 5 to 6 hours between meals for you! You get to eat every 2 hours! I found that once I started eating 5 to 6 times a day instead of 3 I had fewer craving because it felt like I was always eating. Now, for the fine print: in order to eat every 2 to 3 hours and still lose weight you have to be eating the right foods- fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and nuts. Anyone who knows me knows that I come prepared with plenty of healthy snacks. It is not unusual for my purse to be stocked with carrot sticks, apples, bananas, or whole grain wheat thins. This girl requires constant nourishment! :)

4. Identify your weakness. I am a self proclaimed chocoholic. Chocolate was/is my weakness. I decided that I didn't want to live a life without chocolate so I found a way to make it work in my healthy lifestyle. First I gradually made the switch to dark chocolate in order to get the health benefits of chocolate (click here to learn more about dark chocolate). The next step was moderation. So I made a deal with myself that I could have chocolate everyday of my life as long as I limited it to 1oz. I have been enjoying my chocolate everyday guilt free ever since. The moral of this story is that if you have a food that you simply cannot live without, don't try to. You will only set yourself up for failure. Moderation is the key. Set a limit and stick with it. Allowing yourself these little indulgences will not only cut down on your cravings but it will also help you to avoid feeling deprived.

5. Pick a meal each week to treat yourself. Make a deal with yourself. Tell yourself that if you eat good all week then you can have one meal of whatever your heart desires-guilt free. That way, when a craving hits you can ask yourself: Would I rather eat this bag of chips now or have some Pirrone's pizza on Sunday? My guess is that the pizza will win every time!

       Even with all of these tricks you will give into cravings every once in a while and that is ok. There is no point in beating yourself up about it. The important thing is that you get back on track at your next meal. Being heathy is not about being perfect, it's about constantly re-dedicating yourself to your goal and staying focused on what you are trying to achieve.

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