I am quite sure that anyone who has ever tried to adopt a healthier eating habits has also experienced those dreaded cravings. They are real, they are intense, and for many people they will be the reason for failure. Since beginning my lifestyle renovation 2 years ago I have survived my fair share of them. Here are a few tricks that may help you the next time you think you NEED those potato chips.
1. Wait 15 minutes. Tell yourself that you can have whatever it is that you are craving IF in 15 minutes you still want it. Then go do something, anything, to get your mind off of your craving. I use this one a lot. It works for 2 reasons. First, you are not being denied. You are telling yourself you can have it, you just have to wait 15 minutes. Second, 90% of the time (for me at least) in that 15 minutes I would forget about what it was that I wanted and would get involved in what I was doing only to look at the clock and see that a half an hour had passed and my craving was gone. Part of why cravings are so detrimental to a lifestyle change is that they are fueled by instant gratification. It feels like you NEED that food RIGHT NOW. If you can remove yourself long enough, not only will the desire for the junk food fade, but your sanity will return so that you can think clearly enough to make the healthier choice. If after the 15 minutes you still feel like you need to eat that food, then go for it. It is unrealistic, especially in the beginning of a lifestyle change, to think that you will never have another junk food item again. The idea is moderation.
2. Eat a fruit or vegetable first. If you have difficulty resisting junk food snacks I suggest eating a fruit or veggie before eating any junk food (again, you are not telling yourself no, you are telling yourself that you just have to eat a healthy food first). This not only will help you get in your required fruit and vegetable requirements but in most cases the fruit or vegetable will fill you up enough that you won't need the junk food or, if you do still eat the junk food, chances are that you will not eat as much of it. I have also found that the more fruit and vegetables I eat, the more I crave them. So, doing this will also foster an appreciation for better foods.
3. Eat every 2 to 3 hours. Eating something every 2 to 3 hours not only keeps your metabolism running but it also keeps you from feeling deprived. If you finish a meal or snack feeling unsatisfied it may help to remind yourself that you get to eat again in 2 hours. No more waiting 5 to 6 hours between meals for you! You get to eat every 2 hours! I found that once I started eating 5 to 6 times a day instead of 3 I had fewer craving because it felt like I was always eating. Now, for the fine print: in order to eat every 2 to 3 hours and still lose weight you have to be eating the right foods- fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and nuts. Anyone who knows me knows that I come prepared with plenty of healthy snacks. It is not unusual for my purse to be stocked with carrot sticks, apples, bananas, or whole grain wheat thins. This girl requires constant nourishment! :)
4. Identify your weakness. I am a self proclaimed chocoholic. Chocolate was/is my weakness. I decided that I didn't want to live a life without chocolate so I found a way to make it work in my healthy lifestyle. First I gradually made the switch to dark chocolate in order to get the health benefits of chocolate (click here to learn more about dark chocolate). The next step was moderation. So I made a deal with myself that I could have chocolate everyday of my life as long as I limited it to 1oz. I have been enjoying my chocolate everyday guilt free ever since. The moral of this story is that if you have a food that you simply cannot live without, don't try to. You will only set yourself up for failure. Moderation is the key. Set a limit and stick with it. Allowing yourself these little indulgences will not only cut down on your cravings but it will also help you to avoid feeling deprived.
5. Pick a meal each week to treat yourself. Make a deal with yourself. Tell yourself that if you eat good all week then you can have one meal of whatever your heart desires-guilt free. That way, when a craving hits you can ask yourself: Would I rather eat this bag of chips now or have some Pirrone's pizza on Sunday? My guess is that the pizza will win every time!
Even with all of these tricks you will give into cravings every once in a while and that is ok. There is no point in beating yourself up about it. The important thing is that you get back on track at your next meal. Being heathy is not about being perfect, it's about constantly re-dedicating yourself to your goal and staying focused on what you are trying to achieve.
This blog is about living a healthy life in order to keep kicking to age 100-and by kicking I mean retaining the quality of life that I enjoy currently. Just because we age does not mean we have to get old! As a physical therapist, massage therapist, and a runner who transformed myself from a size 18 after having my son back to a size 6, I would love to share my knowledge with anyone who cares to listen...err...read. It is my hope that others will read this blog and take control of their health.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Thursday, May 3, 2012
The Easiest Homemade Pizza Recipe EVER!
The best way to turn pizza into a healthy meal is by making it yourself. If you have ever made your own pizza you know that the tedious part is making your own crust. Which is why I was so excited when I recently found a recipe that eliminates the need to make the crust by substituting in whole grain tortillas! How wonderful is that!
- Whole grain tortillas
- Low sodium tomato sauce
- Mozzarella cheese
- Italian seasoning
- Toppings of your choice. We chose red and green peppers, onions, and mushrooms.
1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. Top tortilla with tomato sauce, cheese, italian seasoning, and toppings of your choosing.
3. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes or until cheese is melted.
Short on time? Try microwaving it!
Not only is this a great way to eat your vegetables (and get your kids to eat theirs), but at about 175 calories per pizza (depending on the calorie count of your tortilla and the toppings that you choose) it will help you keep that slim and trim waistline too! :)
- Whole grain tortillas
- Low sodium tomato sauce
- Mozzarella cheese
- Italian seasoning
- Toppings of your choice. We chose red and green peppers, onions, and mushrooms.
1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. Top tortilla with tomato sauce, cheese, italian seasoning, and toppings of your choosing.
3. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes or until cheese is melted.
Short on time? Try microwaving it!
Not only is this a great way to eat your vegetables (and get your kids to eat theirs), but at about 175 calories per pizza (depending on the calorie count of your tortilla and the toppings that you choose) it will help you keep that slim and trim waistline too! :)
Sunday, April 1, 2012
3 Amazing Cancer Fighting Foods
I was watching Dr. Oz recently when he was speaking about 3 cancer fighting foods that can be found right in your local grocery store. They are all cheap, readily available, and life saving!
1. Lima Beans. Lima beans have a component in them that cuts off the blood supply to potentially deadly cancer cells, especially breast cancer cells. One study found that 1 cup of lima beans a day decreases breast cancer risk by 24%!
2. Limes. Limes have been found to stop cancer growth in it's tracks, especially squamous cell cancer of the lungs. Just 1/2 cup lime juice a day does the trick. The best part is how versatile lime juice is! You can make limeade by combining 1/2 cup lime juice with 16 oz of cold water and drink (you may want to add honey to sweeten)! You can also add it to tea in the place of lemon or squeeze it on veggies in the place of salt (lime juice has been known to make things taste salty without the use of salt).
3. Apricots. Apricots have a component in them that stops cancer cells from growing in the stomach. Eating 7 apricots a day has been shown to decrease the risk of stomach cancer by 47%! The best part is that this benefit is true for both fresh and dried apricots (BTW, it is much easier eat 7 DRIED apricots in a day than 7 fresh apricots). If you are going to eat dried apricots go for the sun dried version vs. the sulfate dried version (sun dried apricots are much darker than sulfate dried apricots). If possible it is also best to get organic apricots because they have higher levels of these cancer fighters.
1. Lima Beans. Lima beans have a component in them that cuts off the blood supply to potentially deadly cancer cells, especially breast cancer cells. One study found that 1 cup of lima beans a day decreases breast cancer risk by 24%!
2. Limes. Limes have been found to stop cancer growth in it's tracks, especially squamous cell cancer of the lungs. Just 1/2 cup lime juice a day does the trick. The best part is how versatile lime juice is! You can make limeade by combining 1/2 cup lime juice with 16 oz of cold water and drink (you may want to add honey to sweeten)! You can also add it to tea in the place of lemon or squeeze it on veggies in the place of salt (lime juice has been known to make things taste salty without the use of salt).
3. Apricots. Apricots have a component in them that stops cancer cells from growing in the stomach. Eating 7 apricots a day has been shown to decrease the risk of stomach cancer by 47%! The best part is that this benefit is true for both fresh and dried apricots (BTW, it is much easier eat 7 DRIED apricots in a day than 7 fresh apricots). If you are going to eat dried apricots go for the sun dried version vs. the sulfate dried version (sun dried apricots are much darker than sulfate dried apricots). If possible it is also best to get organic apricots because they have higher levels of these cancer fighters.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Over 40% of Cancers Linked to Lifestyle
I recently read an interesting article on Medscape that was reporting on a study that was published in the December issue of the British Journal of Cancer. The study determined that 40% of cancers in women and 45% of cancers in men can be linked to lifestyle factors. This is great news! It means that by making a few lifestyle changes we can drastically reduce our risk for cancer. The study looked at 14 factors and calculated their impact on the risk for developing cancer. These factors are: Tobacco, drinking alcohol, lack of fruits and vegetables, lack of fiber, eating red meat and processed meat, too much salt, being overweight or obese, lack of physical exercise, ionizing radiation, UV radiation, occupation exposure, infection (HPV), postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy and lack of breasfeeding. It was found that there are 4 factors that attribute for the most cancers: tobacco, diet, alcohol, and obesity. I have included the following chart which lists their findings in more detail.
Cancers in Men
Risk Factor | Cancers Attributed to Risk Factor (%) |
Tobacco | 23.0 |
Lack of fruit and vegetables | 6.1 |
Occupational exposure | 4.9 |
Alcohol | 4.6 |
Overweight and obesity | 4.1 |
Excessive sun exposure and sunbeds | 3.5 |
Cancers in Women
Risk Factor | Cancers Attributed to Risk Factor (%) |
Tobacco | 15.6 |
Overweight and obesity | 6.9 |
Infections (e.g., HPV) | 3.7 |
Excessive sun exposure and sunbeds | 3.6 |
Lack of fruit and vegetables | 3.4 |
Alcohol | 3.3 |
The evidence is clear. In order to avoid that often fatal diagnosis of cancer we should all cease tobacco use, limit alcohol, eat our fruits and veggies, and maintain a healthy weight. Your life just might depend on it...
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Muscle Memory: One of The Coolest Things About The Human Body
As a physical therapist I know there are many things about the human body I think are amazing that the average Joe Schmo may not find all that exciting. Muscle memory, however, can be appreciated by anyone who has ever participated in strength training of any kind at any point in their life. Muscle memory is the lax athlete's best friend.
Basically, muscle memory is the ability of the muscle to "remember" it's previous strengthened state. This is essential for anyone who has taken time off from their workout routine. Because the muscle has this ability, when the athlete returns to their workouts after, say an injury or a 6 week (or longer) postpartum recovery period, the muscle, while it may not be as strong as it was on your last workout, will still be stronger than if you had never strengthened it in the first place. Furthermore, when you return to your workouts the muscle will return to full pre-sabatical strength in significantly less time than it took to gain that strength the first time around.
This happens due to a few amazing properties of the human body. First of all when you teach your body to do something (like ride a bike, run, lift weights, yoga, ect) and you do it over and over again it creates a blueprint in your brain (the more you perform the activity, the more ingrained this blueprint becomes). This blueprint tells the body what specific muscle fibers to recruit at the specific time needed to perform the activity in the most efficient manner. Even after a prolonged hiatus the body will retain this blueprint. In addition, because your body has mastered the technique of breaking down the muscle and building them back stronger (as you did when you initially trained) it also remembers this process and picks up right where it left off. Perhaps the most amazing discovery of all is that exercise triggers longterm, possibly permanent changes in the muscles. Recently researchers found that exercise stimulates the muscle fibers to make more nuclei which provide the muscle with the DNA needed to synthesize protein and give the muscle strength. The best part about these newly formed nuclei is that even after prolonged rest and even when the muscles atrophy, they still maintain these extra nuclei, making the muscle better equipped to achieve strength gains once the exercise is resumed.
So what does all this mean? In the short term it means that if you have taken a break from your workout routine, it is never too late to get back at it. You have not lost all the strength you once had. In fact, your muscles are better able to build strength now than they have ever been! In the long term, it means that exercise is more important than ever. The exercise and strengthening we do now has the ability to make permanent changes in our muscles which will keep us strong as we age. Since our ability to strengthen muscles diminishes as we get older, now is the time to act. The strength we gain now may be the difference between spending our golden years in a wheelchair or spending them doing 5Ks!
The research presented above can be found on the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences website.
Basically, muscle memory is the ability of the muscle to "remember" it's previous strengthened state. This is essential for anyone who has taken time off from their workout routine. Because the muscle has this ability, when the athlete returns to their workouts after, say an injury or a 6 week (or longer) postpartum recovery period, the muscle, while it may not be as strong as it was on your last workout, will still be stronger than if you had never strengthened it in the first place. Furthermore, when you return to your workouts the muscle will return to full pre-sabatical strength in significantly less time than it took to gain that strength the first time around.
This happens due to a few amazing properties of the human body. First of all when you teach your body to do something (like ride a bike, run, lift weights, yoga, ect) and you do it over and over again it creates a blueprint in your brain (the more you perform the activity, the more ingrained this blueprint becomes). This blueprint tells the body what specific muscle fibers to recruit at the specific time needed to perform the activity in the most efficient manner. Even after a prolonged hiatus the body will retain this blueprint. In addition, because your body has mastered the technique of breaking down the muscle and building them back stronger (as you did when you initially trained) it also remembers this process and picks up right where it left off. Perhaps the most amazing discovery of all is that exercise triggers longterm, possibly permanent changes in the muscles. Recently researchers found that exercise stimulates the muscle fibers to make more nuclei which provide the muscle with the DNA needed to synthesize protein and give the muscle strength. The best part about these newly formed nuclei is that even after prolonged rest and even when the muscles atrophy, they still maintain these extra nuclei, making the muscle better equipped to achieve strength gains once the exercise is resumed.
So what does all this mean? In the short term it means that if you have taken a break from your workout routine, it is never too late to get back at it. You have not lost all the strength you once had. In fact, your muscles are better able to build strength now than they have ever been! In the long term, it means that exercise is more important than ever. The exercise and strengthening we do now has the ability to make permanent changes in our muscles which will keep us strong as we age. Since our ability to strengthen muscles diminishes as we get older, now is the time to act. The strength we gain now may be the difference between spending our golden years in a wheelchair or spending them doing 5Ks!
The research presented above can be found on the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences website.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Words Of Wisdom From Marcus Aurelius
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."
-Marcus Aurelius
-Marcus Aurelius
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Healthy And Amazing Dark Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Are you looking for a way to tell that special someone how you feel about them this Valentine's Day? Instead of that tired old box of unhealthy chocolates, why not make your sweetie these healthy and easy dark chocolate covered strawberries?
All you need is a bar of dark chocolate ( I used Lindt 90% cocoa but they also make a 50%, 70%, and 85% if you prefer) and a carton of strawberries!
1. Wash your strawberries.
2. Break the chocolate up into small pieces and place in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave for 30 seconds then stir. Continue to heat in 30 second intervals (stopping to stir) until the chocolate is melted.
3. Use a toothpick to dip the strawberries in the chocolate. You may need to spoon the chocolate over the strawberry to get it completely covered.
4. Place on wax paper to dry.
Not only will you be giving your sweetie a yummy treat but you will also be giving their health a boost! Strawberries protect the heart, increase good cholesterol, prevent cancer, and lower blood pressure. They are packed with vitamins, fiber, and high levels of antioxidants. They are fat free, sodium free, cholesterol free, and low in calories. They are also among the top 20 fruits in antioxidant capacity! Dark chocolate is no slouch either. Click here for my post on the health benefits of dark chocolate!
*The above info can be found on WebMD.
All you need is a bar of dark chocolate ( I used Lindt 90% cocoa but they also make a 50%, 70%, and 85% if you prefer) and a carton of strawberries!

2. Break the chocolate up into small pieces and place in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave for 30 seconds then stir. Continue to heat in 30 second intervals (stopping to stir) until the chocolate is melted.
3. Use a toothpick to dip the strawberries in the chocolate. You may need to spoon the chocolate over the strawberry to get it completely covered.
4. Place on wax paper to dry.
Not only will you be giving your sweetie a yummy treat but you will also be giving their health a boost! Strawberries protect the heart, increase good cholesterol, prevent cancer, and lower blood pressure. They are packed with vitamins, fiber, and high levels of antioxidants. They are fat free, sodium free, cholesterol free, and low in calories. They are also among the top 20 fruits in antioxidant capacity! Dark chocolate is no slouch either. Click here for my post on the health benefits of dark chocolate!
*The above info can be found on WebMD.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Wash Your Way To Healthier Fruits And Veggies!
Unless you buy organic produce there is a good chance that the fruits and vegetables you eat everyday are covered in pesticides and bacteria. So, how do we continue to eat plenty of fresh produce without poisoning our bodies with these chemicals (aside from going 100% organic)? According to Dr.Oz this homemade fruit and vegetable cleaner should do the trick!
1. In a spray bottle, dissolve 1 tablespoon of baking soda in 1 cup of warm water.
2. Add the juice from half of a lemon.
3. Slowly add 1 cup of white vinegar. Let the mixture sit, stirring occasionally until there are no more bubbles.
4. Put the nozzle on your spray bottle and voila!- you have your very own homemade produce cleaner.
WARNING: Do not add the vinegar until the baking soda dissolves or you will have an erupting volcano of produce cleaner on your hands. Trust me on this...
Just spray your produce with the cleaner and let it sit for 5 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly and eat! :) It doesn't get much easier (or cheaper) than that!
1. In a spray bottle, dissolve 1 tablespoon of baking soda in 1 cup of warm water.
2. Add the juice from half of a lemon.
3. Slowly add 1 cup of white vinegar. Let the mixture sit, stirring occasionally until there are no more bubbles.
4. Put the nozzle on your spray bottle and voila!- you have your very own homemade produce cleaner.
WARNING: Do not add the vinegar until the baking soda dissolves or you will have an erupting volcano of produce cleaner on your hands. Trust me on this...
Just spray your produce with the cleaner and let it sit for 5 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly and eat! :) It doesn't get much easier (or cheaper) than that!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Take The Real Age Quiz To Find Out Your Body's Real Age!
Dr.Oz has a wonderful website called Real Age. If you have never checked it out, trust me it is worth a look. It is a great resource for research based articles on unlimited health related topics. Not only can you learn about any medical condition you can think of, but it also has a ton of articles on healthy living. As an added bonus it also has the Real Age quiz which calculates the biological age of your body based on your answers in 4 areas: health, feelings, diet, and fitness. Once you get your results, this website will also give you tips on how you can lower your Real Age with your Personal Grow Younger Plan.
This quiz is as much fun as it is informative. I have taken the quiz 3 times. Once as my fat self, once about 8 months ago, and again today. Here are my results:
My fat self: Chronological age: 29 years
Real Age: 33.4 years
8 months ago: Chronological age: 31 years
Real Age: 23.3 years
Today: Chronological age: 32 Years
Real Age: 19.6 years! (What the! I am still in shock over this one!)
Click here to take the Real Age quiz yourself! Feel free to post your results in the comments section!
This quiz is as much fun as it is informative. I have taken the quiz 3 times. Once as my fat self, once about 8 months ago, and again today. Here are my results:
My fat self: Chronological age: 29 years
Real Age: 33.4 years
8 months ago: Chronological age: 31 years
Real Age: 23.3 years
Today: Chronological age: 32 Years
Real Age: 19.6 years! (What the! I am still in shock over this one!)
Click here to take the Real Age quiz yourself! Feel free to post your results in the comments section!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
A Dose of Motivation. Part 1
The most successful people are self motivated. This means that they are able to find the desire needed to accomplish things without the influence of others. I do not think people are born self motivated, but rather I think they carefully craft their skill. Which means that anyone can train themselves to be self motivated-and therefore successful.
The essential elements of self motivation are:
1. Stay focused. Self motivated people are constantly reminding themselves of the outcomes of their efforts. Maybe they carry a list, maybe a picture, maybe they use a dry erase marker on their bathroom mirror so that at the start and end of everyday they are reminded of what they are working toward. Whatever the trick, the outcome is the same. Constant focus on the goal at hand.
2. Appreciate the role of self discipline in any accomplishment. Self disciple is the sister to motivation. When a self motivated person has a day where they feel anything but motivated (we all have those days) they rely on self discipline to keep them on track. Self motivated people will do what needs to be done even when they don't want to for the sake of the goal they are trying to reach. Like Nike says, sometimes you have to "Just do it."
3. Let your accomplishments fuel your motivation. Often a long term goal is achieved through the accomplishment of several short term goals. Self motivated people can appreciate these little victories and use each one of these accomplishments to fuel the fire of their motivation.
4. Believe in yourself. Self motivated people know that anything is within their power given knowledge and the right amount of time. They don't think they can do it, they KNOW they can do it.
5. Persistance is key. In the eyes of a self motivated person, a "failure" is just a set back. It is an opportunity to research alternative methods to achieve their goal, regroup, and try again.
Motivation is fickle. When you have it there is nothing you can't accomplish. When you lose it you are defeated. I know we have all been at both ends of this spectrum and it is easy to become a victim of wavering motivation. The key is to make your motivation work for you by developing these skills and driving your own motivation. After all, if you have to sit around and wait for someone to come motivate you, you will spend most of your life waiting instead of doing.
The essential elements of self motivation are:
1. Stay focused. Self motivated people are constantly reminding themselves of the outcomes of their efforts. Maybe they carry a list, maybe a picture, maybe they use a dry erase marker on their bathroom mirror so that at the start and end of everyday they are reminded of what they are working toward. Whatever the trick, the outcome is the same. Constant focus on the goal at hand.
2. Appreciate the role of self discipline in any accomplishment. Self disciple is the sister to motivation. When a self motivated person has a day where they feel anything but motivated (we all have those days) they rely on self discipline to keep them on track. Self motivated people will do what needs to be done even when they don't want to for the sake of the goal they are trying to reach. Like Nike says, sometimes you have to "Just do it."
4. Believe in yourself. Self motivated people know that anything is within their power given knowledge and the right amount of time. They don't think they can do it, they KNOW they can do it.
5. Persistance is key. In the eyes of a self motivated person, a "failure" is just a set back. It is an opportunity to research alternative methods to achieve their goal, regroup, and try again.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Walk With Walgreens
Walgreens has started a program called Walk With Walgreens. It is an incentive based program aimed at getting America moving! Walking is an excellent way to shed pounds and get healthy and just about everyone can do it. It takes no expensive equipment. Just you and 30 minutes a day. As an added bonus the Walk With Walgreens program allows you to earn coupons by tracking your walks/steps on their website (and who doesn't like coupons?).
The low down on the Walk With Walgreens program:
- You earn coupons just by signing up and then by logging your walks/steps. (NOTE: When you sign up you get a $5 coupon for an Omron pedometer so if you are planning on getting a pedometer I would wait until after you sign up.)
- You can log your steps if you have a pedometer or you can log your distance by tracking it on their map. You enter your route and they calculate your distance.
-They have an online forum which allows you to connect to and get support from other walkers.
- The "Get Inspired" tab offers inspiration and success stories to keep you going.
- They have a mobile app so you can track your walks on the go.
- They have posts on recipes, health statistics, and tips on how to get healthy.
- They also offer the option to share pictures from your walks (you of course can also see pictures of others' walks as well).
So if you are looking for a way to exercise that requires no equipment and can be done anywhere, walking is a great choice! If you are going to walk you might as well earn coupons for it, right? Click here to check out the Walk With Walgreens program: http://walk.walgreens.com/ .
The low down on the Walk With Walgreens program:
- You earn coupons just by signing up and then by logging your walks/steps. (NOTE: When you sign up you get a $5 coupon for an Omron pedometer so if you are planning on getting a pedometer I would wait until after you sign up.)
- You can log your steps if you have a pedometer or you can log your distance by tracking it on their map. You enter your route and they calculate your distance.
-They have an online forum which allows you to connect to and get support from other walkers.
- The "Get Inspired" tab offers inspiration and success stories to keep you going.
- They have a mobile app so you can track your walks on the go.
- They have posts on recipes, health statistics, and tips on how to get healthy.
- They also offer the option to share pictures from your walks (you of course can also see pictures of others' walks as well).
So if you are looking for a way to exercise that requires no equipment and can be done anywhere, walking is a great choice! If you are going to walk you might as well earn coupons for it, right? Click here to check out the Walk With Walgreens program: http://walk.walgreens.com/ .
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Words Of Wisdom From Vince Lombardi
"A man (woman) can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done. "
-Vince Lombardi
-Vince Lombardi
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Quick and Healthy Chicken Veggie Wraps
Looking for a healthy meal that tastes good and can be made in a matter of minutes? Well I have found it! It is my Chicken Veggie Wraps. They are super easy to throw together, light on calories, and a good source of protein, veggies, and whole grain carbs. Plus they won't break the bank.
-whole grain tortillas
-fresh spinach
-fresh diced tomatoes
-sliced cucumbers
-Feta cheese- I like feta because a little goes a long way. Which means lots of flavor with fewer calories.
-1/2 of a Tyson chicken breast - I prefer Tyson fully cooked chicken breast because they are minimally processed and have no artificial ingredients. As a bonus they taste wonderful and since they are fully cooked it takes just 2 minutes in the microwave to warm them up.
This recipe is pretty self-explanatory. All you have to do is microwave your chicken and cut up your veggies. Then assemble your wrap and voila! A healthy dinner for about 250 calories in a matter of minutes. To make the process even faster I cut up my vegetables in the beginning of the week so I can just grab them and go.
Don't feel restricted by my choice of ingredients. Feel free to customize your wrap with your own favorite vegetables. You can also change up the cheese or add a little salad dressing. If you like things a bit spicy, try some Tobasco sauce. For those who want a vegetarian option, leave out the chicken. :)
Health Benefits:
Whole grain tortilla- Whole grains have been linked to decreased heart disease and decreased diabetes. Plus those who eat whole grains tend to weigh less.
Spinach- Spinach decreases the risk for heart disease, decreases the risk of cancer, and helps protect the brain from typical signs of aging.
Tomatoes- Tomatoes protect the skin from UV radiation, decrease the risk of cancer, and improve bone mass.
Cucumbers- The vitamin A in cucumbers is important for good vision, bone growth, white blood cell formation, and prevents cancer.
So, the next time you are looking for a quick meal, avoid the McDonald's drive-thru and make this healthy option for your family instead. :)
-whole grain tortillas
-fresh spinach
-fresh diced tomatoes
-sliced cucumbers
-Feta cheese- I like feta because a little goes a long way. Which means lots of flavor with fewer calories.
-1/2 of a Tyson chicken breast - I prefer Tyson fully cooked chicken breast because they are minimally processed and have no artificial ingredients. As a bonus they taste wonderful and since they are fully cooked it takes just 2 minutes in the microwave to warm them up.
This recipe is pretty self-explanatory. All you have to do is microwave your chicken and cut up your veggies. Then assemble your wrap and voila! A healthy dinner for about 250 calories in a matter of minutes. To make the process even faster I cut up my vegetables in the beginning of the week so I can just grab them and go.
Don't feel restricted by my choice of ingredients. Feel free to customize your wrap with your own favorite vegetables. You can also change up the cheese or add a little salad dressing. If you like things a bit spicy, try some Tobasco sauce. For those who want a vegetarian option, leave out the chicken. :)
Health Benefits:
Whole grain tortilla- Whole grains have been linked to decreased heart disease and decreased diabetes. Plus those who eat whole grains tend to weigh less.
Spinach- Spinach decreases the risk for heart disease, decreases the risk of cancer, and helps protect the brain from typical signs of aging.
Tomatoes- Tomatoes protect the skin from UV radiation, decrease the risk of cancer, and improve bone mass.
Cucumbers- The vitamin A in cucumbers is important for good vision, bone growth, white blood cell formation, and prevents cancer.
So, the next time you are looking for a quick meal, avoid the McDonald's drive-thru and make this healthy option for your family instead. :)
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